Friday, April 17, 2020

Leadership and A. True B. free essay sample

1. The concept of employee participation is party of many management and leadership theories. Which one of the following does not include the concept of participation? (p. 248-249) a. Theory X and Theory Y b. Leader behavior research c. Contingency models d. Trait approach* 2. Ford Motor Co. is an example of a company that: (p. 249) a. has moved fully towards team-based management b. combines teams with more traditional structures* c. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership and A. True B. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page continues to be successful without using teams d. has found the use of teams highly challenging 3. Research indicates that organizations can reap many benefits from employee participation and involvement. Which of the following is not one of the typical programs used in today’s organizations? (p. 250) a. group decision making b. teams c. social audits* d. profit sharing 4. Space X company provides an example of a company that: (p. 249) a. has moved fully towards team-based management b. combines teams with more traditional structures* c. continues to be successful without using teams d. has found the use of teams highly challenging 5. Which is not a method of employee participation? (p. 250) a. stock-option plans b. empowerment c. use of teams d. humane orientation* 6. Royal Philips Electronics is counting on _________ to ________.(p. 250) a. management; implement teams b. employees; convince management about use of teams c. teams; revive the company* d. top leadership; move towards teams. 7. Gerard Kleisterlee, CEO of Royal Philips, gathered people who wanted to make a contribution to the organization, regardless of rank. What process best describes this example? (p. 250) a. employee participation* b. self-managed teams c. delegation d. empowerment 8. Genencor International started its employee participation program: (p. 250) a. when they built a new headquarters* b. after the leadership team took a trip to Japan c. after they hired a new CEOd. as a routine part of doing business 9. _________ and __________ are two of the criteria managers should use to determine when to involve employees in decision making. (p. 251) a. Culture; cost b. Efficiency; effectiveness c. Leader style; financial issues d. Task complexity; time* 10. Participation may be undesirable in all of the following situations except when . (p. 251) a. follower commitment is not necessary b. the tasks are complex and quality is important* c. time is of the essence d. interaction between leader and follo wers is restricted 11. Nelson has been a successful manager for over 30 years. He has considerable expertise and makes most of the decisions by himself. He supervises over 200 people who are spread-out across 20 states. Using employee participation may be a challenge for Nelson because of: (p. 251) a. time and complexity of the task. b. the leader’s style and the geographic dispersion. * c. follower commitment and readiness. d. environmental factors and culture. (AACSB: Reflective Thinking) 12. Which is not a criterion for the use of participation programs? (p. 251-252) a. when the organizational culture is supportive b. when interaction between leader and followers is restricted by the task* c.when follower commitment is needed d. when the task complexity and quality is important 13. Li Wei is under pressure to make a quick decision on a project with which she has considerable expertise and experience. Her team is inexperienced and generally supportive, and she needs the members’ strong commitment to implement her decision. In this situation, Li Wei should: (p. 251-252) a. make the decision by herself. b. allow for employee participation. * c. seek more information. d. delegate the decision to the group. (AACSB: Reflective Thinking) 14. The case of Kiwi Airlines is an example of: (p. 252) a. successful participation.b. a leader not being ready for participation. c. lack of employee training in participation. d. too much participation by employees. * 15. Which of the following cultural values can affect employee participation in decision making? (p. 252) a. collectivism* b. tolerance for ambiguity c. ascription d. time orientation. 16. The more __________ a culture, the less likely it is that employees will participate in decision making. (p. 252) a. collectivist b. ascriptive c. power oriented* d. flexible 17. Which cultural values will least likely support employee participation and empowerment? (p. 252) a. high power distance*b. collectivist c. humane orientation d. high time (future) orientation (AACSB: Reflective Thinking) 18. ___________ combined with ___________ often create a challenge in implementing participation and teams in countries such as the U. S. and Australia. (p. 253) a. High power distance/competitiveness b. High performance orientation/short time orientation c. High individualism/low power distance* d. Low context/high tolerance for ambiguity (AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity) (AACSB: Reflective Thinking) 19. In spite of cultural and other differences, one of the keys to successful implementation of teams is: (p. 253) a. followers’ involvement b. organizational policies c. slow implementation d. leader’s belief in participation* 20. Which of the following is one of the goals of delegation? (p. 253-554) a. help the leader with excessive workload* b. share power with employees c. empower employees d. increase the leader’s power 21. Which one of the following is not one of the benefits of delegation? (p. 254) a. develop followers b. increase follower involvement in the task c. increase follower motivation d. increase leader’s power* 22. John has found that delegating tasks allows him to manage his own workload and stress. What other potential benefit does delegation offer John? (p. 254) a. enrich the job of his followers* b. create a more cohesive team c. save his followers’ time d. increase leader’s power (AACSB: Reflective Thinking) 23. Delegation affects employees in all of the following ways except . (p. 254) a. increasing their satisfaction b. increasing their motivation c. increasing organizational commitment d. increasing their desire to leave the organization* (d; Easy; p. 254) 24. It is important for managers to understand the difference between _________ and __________. (p. 255) a. development; enrichment

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